Category Archive For "Hacks"
How to Stop Snoring Immediately [Fast Solutions & Tricks]
While the snorer takes a peaceful trip to dreamland, those around them are kept awake by a rattling sound. With 30% of people aged thirty and above reporting that they snore, rising to 40% after middle age, we all know someone who snores. Maybe your loved ones have told you that you’re the culprit. Snoring …
What Is The Average Amount of Sleep in Countries Around The World
Jawbone released anonymous data in 2014 that gave the average amount of sleep by city. The data was aggregated and then released to the Wall Street Journal. The city that had the most hours of sleep was Melbourne, Australia with 7:05 hours of sleep a night. The city with the least sleep was Tokyo, Japan …
How to Sleep Better: Mastering the Art of Feeling Less Tired
Seeing as you’ve made it to this page, I assume you’re having trouble getting a good night’s sleep. You’re probably exhausted and stressed out because you just don’t seem to be able to get a good restful sleep. Every night, you toss and turn, waking up more tired the next day. What’s more, the tiredness …
Best Sleep Tips for Deep Sleep (The Ultimate List)
Getting a good night’s sleep can be a nightmare for many people. It’s no surprise that scientists have done countless studies on this issue. Luckily, this research has shown us the best conditions for a restful night’s sleep. We’ve rounded up the ten best tips which will deliver you peacefully into the land of nod. …
Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm and Body Clock (2021)
You may imagine your body clock works to wake you up at the same time each day. True, many people can set their body clocks to wake at a specific time, with a bit of practice that is! However, there’s a lot more to the body clock and circadian rhythm than that. In fact, the …
Power Naps: The Definitive Guide (Optimal Time, Benefits)
Daytime napping has long been a dividing issue. Some swear by it, claiming it gives them the energy they need to go through the second half of their day. Others look down on daytime nappers, thinking they’re rude, lazy, or perhaps even hungover. But as we are all becoming more mindful about our daily habits, …
How to Take a Caffeine Nap: A Definitive Guide for 2021
Most people don’t associate caffeine with good sleep. After all, caffeine is a stimulant and it’s often used to help you recover from a bad night’s sleep. In fact, one study even recommends caffeine tablets for military use as a means to counter the effects of fragmented sleep. So, drinking it before going to sleep …
The Best Temperature for Sleeping | Men and Women (2021 Data)
It seems like sleep should come so easily. You lie down, close your eyes, and in a couple of minutes, you’re in the land of Nod. But it’s not always that easy. If you’re looking to optimize your sleeping environment – the temperature is a common place to start. You may be struggling with insomnia. …
Do Men or Women Need More Sleep?
Is there a gender difference between how much sleep you need at night? A recent Duke study may help answer this question. Researchers found that about 40% of men and women self-identified as poor sleepers. Yet it was found in this study that women needed an average of 20 minutes more sleep each night. The …
Launch of Slumber Secrets
Excited to launch slumber secrets! A place to learn about how to optimize your sleep for better health. We look at cutting edge research and techniques to help you get a better nights sleep!