Entries Written By Natasha
Boll and Branch Sheets Review (Quality and Style 2021)
Boll and Branch are some of the best luxury sheets you can buy. They practice sustainable sourcing and use only organic cotton to spin 300 thread count sheets. Though they are more pricy than sheets from Ikea they are much higher quality and will last for years to come. If you’re looking for a more …
Chillow Pillow Review – Is It Actually Cool?
Are you the kind of person that flips their pillow all through the night, just to keep it nice and cool? If so, that means you’re interrupting your sleep more than you should. The good news is that there’s something you can do about it. Keeping your pillow cool while you sleep sounds like a …
5 Best Latex Pillows – Are they Comfy?
You can’t just walk into a store and grab a pillow from a shelf. Besides, when it comes to bedding, there’s so much variety and advanced technology, how are you supposed to know which pillow to choose? In that respect, you might have heard some intriguing things about sleeping on a latex pillow. That’s right, …
The Best Bamboo Sheets [Better than cotton?]
You want to switch from cotton to bamboo sheets because you heard they’re softer than a cloud? That’s an amazing idea, but it can be hard to find the best bamboo sheets for your needs. The market for bamboo sheets has exploded over the last few years. Not to worry, there are certain different qualities …
35 Incredible Sleep Statistics and Facts
Whether you’re a fast sleeper or find yourself tossing and turning for hours on end before actually dozing off, have you ever wondered how the rest of the world sleeps? Read on to find out about some interesting sleep statistics we’ve gathered. General Statistics Sleep statistics show that on average, people fall asleep within seven …
Restonic Mattress Review – Is it as good as they say?
With so many choices out there, you probably feel like there’s a perfect mattress just waiting for you to find. Maybe so, but you’ll more likely find that the perfect mattress is the one you’re used to sleeping on. That said, it doesn’t mean some mattresses won’t suit you better than others. Restonic is a …
Do Men or Women Need More Sleep?
Is there a gender difference between how much sleep you need at night? A recent Duke study may help answer this question. Researchers found that about 40% of men and women self-identified as poor sleepers. Yet it was found in this study that women needed an average of 20 minutes more sleep each night. The …
Launch of Slumber Secrets
Excited to launch slumber secrets! A place to learn about how to optimize your sleep for better health. We look at cutting edge research and techniques to help you get a better nights sleep!